Friday, July 17, 2009

A tip on being a good baseball player.

Don't you know how superheroes have their on special power like how superman has super strength and how spiderman can fling webs out of his wrist. Well those two superheroes won't be able to switch powers because that is what they are stuck with and thats what there going to use. My point I'm trying to make is you have to play with the baseball gifts that god gave you. Like if you have speed don't try to hit homeruns becaus thats not your game. A perfect example is Nigel Morgan of the Washington Nationals (forgive me if i spelled his name wrong). but he does a great job playing baseball the way he is supposed too. You don't seem try to blast homeruns out of the ball park like Albert Pujols, but you see him use his speed to get on base by butting. And he uses his speed to his advantage by stealing bases. You may not be good at baseball but if you practice what your good at then you can accomplish you baseball goals

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